Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

276 - Degree in Occupational Therapy

26009 - Sociology applied to disability

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
26009 - Sociology applied to disability
Faculty / School:
127 - Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
276 - Degree in Occupational Therapy
Subject Type:
Basic Education

5.1. Methodological overview

The learning process that is designed for this subject is based on the following:

- Work in large group on the content to be treated. Debates, text commentary, oral presentations.
- Small group work: problem solving, case studies, specific seminars on theoretical and practical relevant aspects.
- Practical application of theoretical and practical knowledge in the development of a research project around the area of disability, with particular reference to the management of documentary sources, fieldwork and rigor in the use of the method.
- Realization of objective tests on the theoretical contents: two partial or final.

5.2. Learning tasks

The program that the student is offered to help you achieve the expected results includes the following activities ...

1- Large group theoretical classes (30 hours) in which presentations and discussions on the contents of the course were made.
2- Practical classes or workshops (20 hours) in which they work in small groups previously established in the early going. They are designed to acquire the learning necessary for the preparation and development of a research project on disability.
3- Design and development of research (50 hours) on disability, applying social research techniques such as single or complementary instruments, with particular reference to the management of documentary sources, fieldwork and rigor in the use of the method.
4- Other activities of personal work and personal study (50 hours).

5.3. Syllabus

The theoretical contents of the subject are structured in the following modules:
MODULE 1: The social construction of the concept of disability.
- The complexity of the concept. The construct of disability.
- Historical evolution.
- Conceptual models.
- Professional and intervention paradigms responses.
- The framework of C.I.F Background. Detailed analysis components and relationships.
- Social attitudes towards disability
- The social identity of persons with disabilities. Social discrimination.
- The social space on the impact of disability.
MODULE 2: Socio-demographic analysis of disability.
- The situation of disability worldwide. Prevalence, trends and essential variables.
- Disability in Spain. Review of the main statistical sources.
- Disability in Spain. sociological analysis of the most important types and major barriers disability.
- A look specific to the situation of dependency. Dependency and / or disability. legal framework for its approach.
- Social impact of dependency. Assessment and intervention processes.
MODULE 3: A sociological approach to chronic pain.
- Sociological perspectives on health and disease: functionalism, symbolic interactionism, social inequalities in health.
- A multidimensional perspective: constructionism. Anthropology of pain. economic implications of chronic pain. New socio-health perspective.
- Assessment and approach: psychosocial components and mechanisms of pain. multicomponent responses to chronic pain.
MODULE 4: Assessment of disability. social resources.
- Disability vs. Dependence.
- The process of assessing disability: legal framework; most significant elements; structures and reference centers.
- Types of assistance and Resource Guide.
MODULE 5: Sociology of Work and occupation on people with disabilities.
- The significance of the work from a personal and social perspective. The social organization of work. Social inclusion and the workplace
- Employment and people with disabilities. Situation in Spain. Analysis typologies. Main barriers to employment from a differential view.
- The access routes to employment for people with disabilities.
- Active employment policies on disability: legal measures; centers and protected areas; integrated employment.
- The role of the occupational therapist in the work processes of people with disabilities.
MODULE 6: Sexuality and disability.
- Sexuality: models of analysis and intervention.
- The specificity of people with disabilities in relation to sexuality.
- Myths and misconceptions.
- Strategies for managing one's sexuality.
- Differential elements by type to consider: physical, sensory, intellectual disabilities.
MODULE 7: The education system and people with disabilities.
- The process of socialization and the education system.
- Some basic concepts: exclusion-segregation-integration-inclusion; students with special educational needs; Traditional approach vs. inclusive approach.
- The concept of accessibility. Global accessibility strategies: space, resources, curriculum.
- Recent historical evolution process of educational inclusion of people with disabilities: legal changes and social impact.
- The current situation in Spain of people with disabilities in the educational process. Presence in the system. Permanence and progression. Integrated education vs. special education. Types of centers.
- Main barriers to inclusive education.

- Regulation of inclusive education in Aragón.
SPECIFIC MODULE: The practice of social research on disability.
- The scientific method: theory, hypothesis, observation, inference.
- The methodological research process: defining the problem; research design; implementation and development; analysis and interpretation.
- Major social research techniques. specific review of the survey: Population and sample. Instrument design. Data analysis strategies.
- Development of a Research Report. special case of a scientific article.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Schedule sessions and presentation of works


Lectures in large group 1 hour / weekly throughout the course
Practical classes 2 hours / week from January to April
Examination of the first part At the end of 1st semester
Delivery Research Report Final April
Examination of the second part Coinciding with June final test
Test overall assessment of the subject June final test
Test overall assessment of the subject September final test





5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

[BB: Bibliografía básica / BC: Bibliografía complementaria]

  • [BB] Clasificación Internacional del Funcionamiento, de la Discapacidad y de la Salud : CIF. Madrid, Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales, 2001
  • [BB] Discapacidad e inclusión : manual para la docencia. Miguel Ángel Verdugo y Robert L. Schalock (coords.) Salamanca, Amarú, 2013
  • [BB] Giddens, Anthony, Sutton, Philip: Sociología. 7ª ed. Madrid, Alianza, 2014
  • [BB] Hernández Sampieri, Roberto, Fernández Collado, Carlos, Baptista Lucio, Pilar: Metodología de la investigación. 4ª ed. México, McGraw-Hill, 2006
  • [BB] INE. Panorámica de la Discapacidad en España: Encuesta de Discapacidad, Autonomía personal y situaciones de Dependencia 2008. Cifras INE (2009); 10:1-12
  • [BB] Ley 39/2006, de 14 de diciembre, de Promoción de la Autonomía Personal y Atención a las personas en situación de dependencia. Texto consolidado 26-12-2013. Bol Of Estado. (2013);BOE-A-2006-21990
  • [BB] Polit, Denise F., Hungler, Bernadette P.: Investigación científica en ciencias de la salud. 6ª ed. México D.F., McGraw-Hill Interamericana, 2000
  • [BB] Real Decreto Legislativo 1/2013, de 29 de noviembre, por el que se aprueba el Texto Refundido de la Ley General de derechos de las personas con discapacidad y de su inclusión social. Bol Of Estado. (2013);BOE-A-2013-12632
  • [BC] Baron, Robert A., Byrne, Donn: Psicología social. 10ª ed. Madrid, Prentice Hall, 2005
  • [BC] Clasificación internacional de deficiencias, discapacidades y minusvalias : Manual de clasificación de las consecuencias de la enfermedad publicada para ensayo de acuerdo con la resolución WHA 29.35 de la vigesimonovena Asamblea Mundial de la Salud, mayo 1976. 3ª ed. Madrid, Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales, Instituto de Migraciones y Servicios Sociales, 1997
  • [BC] Discapacidad y sociedad. Len Barton (comp.) La Coruña : Padeia ; Madrid : Morata, 1998
  • [BC] El sector de la discapacidad : realidad, necesidades y retos futuros : análisis de la situación de la población con discapacidad y de las entidades del movimiento asociativo y aproximación a sus retos y necesidades en el horizonte de 2020. dirección, Gregorio Rodríguez Cabrero; autores, Vicente Marbán Gallego[et al.] Madrid, Cinca, 2013
  • [BC] Huete García, Agustín, Quezada García, Martha Yolanda: La discapacidad en las fuentes estadísticas oficiales : examen y propuestas de mejora : análisis formal y de contenido sobre discapacidad en encuestas y otras referencias del Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE). Madrid, Cinca, 2011

Listado de URL

  • Aragall, Francesc. La accesibilidad en los centros educativos [Internet]. Madrid, Ministerio de Educación; 2010. [Citado 25 junio 2014] Disponible en: []
  • Booth T, Ainscow M. Guía para la evaluación y mejora de la educación inclusiva [Internet]. Madrid, Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education, Consorcio Universitario para la Educación Inclusiva; 2011. [Citado 25 junio 2014] Disponible en:,%20ARTICULOS,%20PONENECIAS,/Guia%20para%20la%20evaluacion%20y%20mejora%20de%20la%20educacion%20inclusiva.%2003.pdf [,%20ARTICULOS,%20PONENECIAS,/Guia%20para%20la%20evaluacion%20y%20mejora%20de%20la%20educacion%20inclusiva.%2003.pdf]
  • Huete, A. y Quezada, M. La discapacidad en las fuentes estadísticas oficiales. Referencias del CIS [Internet]. Madrid, CERMI; 2012. [Citado 25 junio 2014] Disponible en: []
  • INE. El empleo de las personas con discapacidad 2012. Informe [Internet]. Madrid, INE; 2014 [Citado 25 junio 2014] Disponible en: []
  • INE. Encuesta de Integración Social y Salud [Internet]. Madrid, INE; 2012 [Citado 25 junio 2014] Disponible en: []
  • López Sánchez, Félix. Guía para el desarrollo de la afectividady de la sexualidad de las personas con discapacidad intelectual [Internet]. Valladolid, Consejería de Familia e Igualdad de Oportunidades, Gerencia de Servicios Sociales; 2011. [Citado 25 junio 2014] Disponible en: []
  • Maresman S. ES PARTE DE LA VIDA: Material de apoyo sobre educación sexual y discapacidad para compartir en familia. [Internet]. Montevideo, Administración Nacional de Educación Pública, Unicef; 2012. [Citado 25 junio 2014] Disponible en: []
  • Organización de Naciones Unidas. Convención sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad [Internet]. 2006 [Citado 25 junio 2014] Disponible en: []
  • Organización Mundial de la Salud. Informe Mundial sobre la Discapacidad [Internet]. Ginebra, Organización Mundial de la Salud; 2011. [Citado 25 junio 2014] Disponible en: []
  • Protocolo sobre relaciones interpersonales y sexualidad en personas con discapacidad [Internet]. Sevilla, Junta de Andalucía, Dirección General de Personas con Discapacidad; 2008. [Citado 25 junio 2014] Disponible en: []
  • Toboso, M. et al. Sobre la educación inclusiva en España: políticas y prácticas. Intersticios [Internet].2012 [citado 25 jun. 2014]; 6(1): 279-295. Disponible en: []
  • Unión Europea de Empleo con Apoyo. Caja de Herramientas de la EUSE (European Unionof Supported Employment) para la práctica del empleo con apoyo [Internet]. 2006 [Citado 25 junio 2014] Disponible en: []